臨睡前讀英國詩人Wathen Mark Wilks Call之詩"Summer Days"。 此詩先以過去式回憶夏日與情人; 後用現在式,情人不知何處,自己又成單數。 他吟起舊時的歌,天使聽見了他的嘆息, 那情人的眼波與散髮竟在恍惚間乍現。 "My heart is light, my step is strong," 「我的心兒輕;我的步伐重。」 情人回來了。 與文物有緣的話,何妨五十年後再見; 文物永生,老的是我們。 但舊情人五十年後再見,卻只能面目全非。 最後,他看見的是人、是鬼? 謎底是多餘的,謎底恰在恍惚之間。 此詩用字平易,寫來卻含蓄如此,深情如此, 是鬼島台灣詩人再寫一千年也不能及也。 把這首詩附在下面,希望這群米蟲詩人們好好觀摩與懺悔, 跟上世界標準吧!(雖然他們這輩子都無此可能了) Summer Days by Wathen Marks Wilks Call In summer, when the days were long, We walk’d, two friends, in field and wood; Our heart was light, our step was strong, And life lay round us, fair as good, In summer, when the days were long. We stray’d from morn till evening came, We gather’d flowers, and wove us crowns; We walk’d mid poppies red as flame, Or sat upon the yellow downs, And always wish’d our life the same. In summer, when the days were long, We leap’d the hedgerow, cross’d the brook; And still her voice flow’d forth in song, Or else she read some graceful book, In summ...