
我的心兒輕;我的步伐重。(讀Wathen Mark Wilks Call之詩"Summer Days")

臨睡前讀英國詩人Wathen Mark Wilks Call之詩"Summer Days"。

"My heart is light, my step is strong,"





Summer Days
by Wathen Marks Wilks Call

In summer, when the days were long,
We walk’d, two friends, in field and wood;
Our heart was light, our step was strong,
And life lay round us, fair as good,
In summer, when the days were long.

We stray’d from morn till evening came,
We gather’d flowers, and wove us crowns;
We walk’d mid poppies red as flame,
Or sat upon the yellow downs,
And always wish’d our life the same.

In summer, when the days were long,
We leap’d the hedgerow, cross’d the brook;
And still her voice flow’d forth in song,
Or else she read some graceful book,
In summer, when the days were long.

And then we sat beneath the trees,
With shadows lessening in the noon;
And in the sunlight and the breeze
We revell’d, many a glorious June,
While larks were singing o’er the leas.

In summer, when the days were long,
We pluck’d wild strawberries, ripe and red,
Or feasted, with no grace but song,
On golden nectar, snow-white bread,
In summer, when the days were long.

We lov’d, and yet we knew it not,
For loving seem’d like breathing then;
We found a heaven in every spot;
Saw angels, too, in all good men,
And dream’d of gods in grove and grot.

In summer, when the days are long,
Alone I wander, muse alone;
I see her not, but that old song
Under the fragrant wind is blown,
In summer, when the days are long.

Alone I wander in the wood,
But one fair spirit hears my sighs;
And half I see the crimson hood,
The radiant hair, the calm glad eyes,
That charm’d me in life’s summer mood.

In summer, when the days are long,
I love her as I lov’d of old;
My heart is light, my step is strong,
For love brings back those hours of gold,
In summer, when the days are long.




08年電影版的詐欺獵人,是山下智久演的電影。 是很典型的日本偶像劇。 但是想不到,原本的偶像劇拍成電影之後,卻用很文學的手法來包裝, 導致大家都看不懂。我在網路上查了很久,發現沒人看得懂劇本的精神, 除了只會喊山下智久很帥,說到內容,只表示電影太沉悶,根本是個災難。 原因無它,迷哥迷妹與粉絲們根本毫無文化, 會去看這種偶像電影的,又剛好是這種文化貧血的落魄青年。 可悲啊!這是文化沙漠中的落魄青年的可悲,不是我的可悲! 我現在就以文學博士的眼光帶領大家深入淺出,開點見識, 對於文學,不再像盲人戴墨鏡,夜半騎機車。 故事很簡單,主角黑崎小時候為詐騙集團所害,家破人亡。 長大後黑崎以詐騙那些詐騙集團為業,以為報復。 桂木是詐騙集團的大頭目,現在卻變成賣情報給黑崎,讓黑崎能夠去整這些詐騙集團。 其實桂木就是當年導致黑崎家破人亡的詐騙一員。 電影版裡黑崎已經知道桂木就是他的仇人。 而整部電影就是在講黑崎要怎麼走,他要不要報仇嗎?要怎樣報仇?其它黑崎跟詐騙集團的對戰,不是重點。 電影一開頭便用日文引用了莎士比亞的句子: 人不過是行走的影子。 Life's but a walking shadow 出自劇本馬克白 Macbeth。 文化草包的台灣人一定連這句都看不懂。 這是在說人生像泡影,人生如夢,沒有意義。在西方被無數作家引用過。 另一樣大家看不懂的是桂木跟黑崎拿著刀在玩凱薩的cosplay。 他們兩個在排演莎士比亞的劇本凱薩大帝(Caesar)。 凱薩是遭人暗殺的,他在元老院遭刺,當他看到私生子普魯塔斯也在刺殺者當中, 凱薩便不再反抗,只說了:「普魯塔斯,還有你!」Et tu, Brute? 便倒下。 Et tu, Brute? 是桂木常講的一句,他要說的就是凱薩遭背叛, 是因為他相信別人,竟然他的兒子也背叛他。正像他跟黑崎的關係。 黑崎一家受騙,黑崎長大要騙回來。而桂木是仇人,黑崎為了報仇竟要跟仇人合作。 黑崎沒忘記這個仇人,他隨時可能出賣黑崎,反之桂木也可能出賣黑崎。 在詐騙的世界裡,沒有任何人可以相信, 包括親近的人,黑崎已無家人,舉目無親,又無人可信,黑崎的世界是孤單的。 一場場凱薩的cosplay就是要詮釋這種關係,可惜


格列佛遊記(Gulliver's travels)記小人國風俗, 他們的正義女神是左手執劍,右手扛錢袋, 以示更重賞善於罰惡。我們的女神另一手只拿天平, 對於善人們並不打賞。當壞人沒被抓到-沒事; 至於當好人則一點獎賞也沒有,所以大家寧願當壞人或混蛋。 基督山恩仇記裡遭人陷害的主角,入獄十七年。 多年後發了大財,而回來復仇, 其實不只是復仇也, 當年幫過他的人,他都一一報恩。 他說他的信念正是「賞善罰惡」, 替上帝行道也。 告訴大家要當好人,失之偽善也, 蓋凡人都是男盜女娼,經不起考驗。 只有賞善是真實的,才能讓凡服俗子們也心之所嚮。 曰利可也,懲惡哪足?


外國人有句話:「女人需要男人,就像金魚需要腳踏車。」 A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle 講這句話的當然是女人,說起來也很威風。